Thursday, March 26, 2009

See also: Salt, take with a grain of

So I pretty much tweeted everything I did in NY as I was doing it- stores, restaurants, shows- and now I haven't much felt like writing an actual blog about it. Maybe this weekend. BUT I did want to share a bit of 'wisdom' that was shared with me during brunch at Pastis. Here are some words to live by from Marta:

-Uterus = In Only (If she has a child it will be via scheduled c-section)
-Anus = Out Only (Self explanantory, I suppose)
-Never hit on 16 in Blackjack (It could go either way, but you need to have a rule so you don't waver. Can also be applied to the anus rule...)

That's all.

(except this ps)
ps- I took this picture of Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon at the MOMA


  1. i am confused as to why i can't leave a comment like before. blaaaaaaah.

  2. i want to see your peeeeeekshurs of New Yorrrrrk!!!
