Monday, March 30, 2009

Spoilery (if you havent watched the end of the L Word)

So, when the last episode of the L Word aired, leaving everyone with a million questions, we were all pissed off and frustrated. Many of us gave our theories as to what really happened, or what happened next, to try and 'fix' what IFC screwed up. The negative for Lez Girls was found in Jenny's attic and so many people assumed that she did actually take them and that her whole plea to Tina was a lie. I wasn't so sure. Then at the end of the show, Leisha gave her little webisode speech and said to watch for more interrogation tapes AND to see who stole the negative. No one else seemed to hear that as I didn't see it mentioned in any recap. My guess was that it was Niki. I said it in a recap comment somewhere (scribegrrl? autostraddle?). Niki had motive- either the movie was too bad, too embarrassing or she hated the straightened out ending, or she was just pissed at Jenny, or she was trying to help Jenny (see how effed up things are with IFC's story lines?!)- AND SHE HAD KEYS! Niki had keys to Jenny and Shane's place at the time that the negatives were stolen because she used them to let herself (and Shane) in during the great Fuck Around of 08/09... And now Niki's interrogation tape is up. And guess what? She admits to stealing the negatives and hiding them in Jenny's attic!

I don't know why I'm so excited. The show is still over and the ending still sucked. But this was the least disturbing of the tapes so far. And at least one thing IFC wrote made sense/was plausible. I'm just saying..

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