Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Not?

I did that 25 Things About Me deal a while back on FB and decided to repost it here so that the... 2 of you that read this blog (because you actually find me to be interesting?) can read it and learn a weird thing or two about me. Believe it or not, I left some of the more horrible things off (I could actually add at least 5 more major injuries to the list, but I stuck to bones and left off the real bloody ones...)

1. I get really motion sick on the bus/train if I sit backwards. If it’s also hot... I’m better off walking.

2. My fingers are sort of double jointed. Interpret that as you will.

3. If I like a band/song I tend to get really obsessed with them for a while. So much so that it’s all I will listen to for months. I will scrounge up demos and obscure things on YouTube... and read every bit of info I can find. Meeting favorite musicians have been the only times in my life when I’ve been star struck.

4. I have eleven extra holes in my head. I want another ear piercing or two, maybe a lip or labret. But no piercings that aren’t on my head.

5. I have 16 individual tattoos, but some have started to combine together into larger pieces. I’m going to start working on #17 next week (April 17th).

6. I’m afraid that one day I will drink waaay to much at a bar/party and someone will ask me to take off my shirt to show off my tattoos... and I will. My friends will encourage this activity.

7. I am really nerdy about many things, like TV. shows. For a while I wanted a Battlestar Galactica tattoo... I still might.

8. I hate big (drunken) parties. I get really uncomfortable, especially if I don’t know a lot of people. I think it has something to do with my childhood and having alcoholic family members.

9. I can clap with one hand. Interestingly enough it sounds just like two hands clapping. (verbatim from Moo’s list cuz it’s also true for me!)

10. I still sleep with stuffed animals a lot of the time. I like to snuggle.

11. I’ve never been a good sleeper. I can get by on 3-4 hours a night.

12. I get really anxious about things. Lately I’ve been having panic attacks in the middle of the night over nothing. It’s less than fun...

13. I'm a pesco-pollo-ovo -lacto ‘vegetarian’, but it’s easier to just say that I don’t eat red meat or pork... I don't eat much poultry or fish at home, just when I go out. I could never give up salmon.

14. People constantly think that I'm much older or younger than I am. No one gets it right.

15. When I was 6 or 7 I jumped off a table into a kiddie pool and sprained both my ankles and fractured pretty much all of my toes. I was staying with my mom’s boyfriend’s ex-wife at the time.

16. When I was 12 I was ice skating and I fell down, tripping my friend, and she landed on my arm and it broke. My arm swelled up and got stuck in the elastic cuff of my puffy winter coat. I called my stepdad who was home sleeping (because he worked nights) and he was so out of it he hung up on me.

17. When I was 21(?) I slipped in the shower right before Christmas, kicked the faucet really hard and horribly horrible broke my toe. They almost had to do surgery to fix it. My mom kept wanting to pull on it to straighten it out and my best friend wanted to call me Niner. It still bends funny.

18. This guy, Tony, used to live on our couch when I was little. He raised tanks of angelfish on our bar. My babysitter’s best friend also used to come over in the middle of the night a lot when her stepdad beat her. If my mom had it her way we probably would have been running a halfway house. We both like to take care of people and fix things...

19. I am a bastard. My mom and dad were never married. I didn’t really see my dad until I was 4 and we didn’t really speak from when I was 8 until I was 22.

20. I have a half brother and two half sisters. I had another half brother that passed away almost 5 years ago. To me, the half part is not at all important.

21. My sisters are fraternal twins. I didn’t get to meet them until they were 15.

22. The same day my brother died, my car also got broken into and all my cds were stolen. I was meeting Hoobastank at the time.

23. The only time I’ve ever left the country was to drive into Canada for lunch one day.

24. When I was 13 I fell asleep while reading and my bed sheet caught on fire from the small reading lamp. My mom woke up for no reason and came in to check on me and my little brother. In all the commotion of my mom ripping the burning sheet and lamp from me/my bed I didn’t even really wake up. I was just like, ‘Oh’ and laid back down and kept sleeping. The next day I was really confused as to why my room smelled like burning plastic... I wasn’t allowed another reading lamp for a while.

25. My name isn’t what it was supposed to be. My mom wanted my first name to be Elisabet or Lizbet (a German form of Elizabeth) but the nurse wrote me down as Elizabeth Jones. My mom didn’t want me to have my father’s last name either, but she could only afford the court fees/paperwork for one name change. She changed my last name to her maiden name and left my first name as Elizabeth.


  1. So...I definitely have an X-Files tattoo, so I totally understand your thoughts on wanting to get a BSG tattoo. I say go for it.

    Sometimes I still have panic attacks (about death) when I'm trying to fall asleep and then I have to find some tv, set the sleep timer, and hope that takes my mind off of it.

    And DAYUM...are you accident prone.

  2. you ARE interesting and that's why i read. also, i'm nosy.

    man you're kinda accident prone, eh? :)

    panic attacks are not good. mine have only come back a few months ago but mainly work-stress/insomnia related ...i'm sure yours are stress related as well...
